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人们正在观看更多有广告支持的内容, and there's research that says those ads work in getting consumers to purchase the goods and services advertised. 因此,从长远来看,基于广告的流媒体可能会让你付出更多的代价.

FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视)观看量正在增长, in part because the services are getting better at ad integration and building content libraries that appeal to consumers, 根据 Parks Associates. The firm's latest research shows that households watching ad-supported streaming increased from 25% in Q1 2020 to 31% in Q1 2021. Along with this, advertising dollars are transitioning from traditional pay TV to online video. 其中一些服务既有免费的,也有订阅的, and there's nothing shareholders like more than when they can generate revenue from both ads and subscriptions, 保罗·埃里克森说, 帕克斯公司消费技术高级分析师.

We know that people who watch ad-supported content are paying with their attention, but research has shown that ad-supported viewers are actually buying things they see in the ads. OK, you may not go out and buy a new car on impulse, but what about that beer or laundry detergent?

"We actually see that roughly a third of heavy users of ad-based services often click on and subsequently purchase items,埃里克森说. “广告内容确实创造了一个思维过程和反应. It gets through to people even if they will tell you that they don't really like ads, but something in there triggered a thought process that led to conversion to buying something.因此,在现实中,您的FAST观看可能根本不是免费的.

Ad aversion is more common among the users who are regular consumers of ad-supported content. “我们发现41%的广告用户不喜欢看带广告的视频节目, 40%的人对这些广告的频率表示不满,埃里克森说. "But the free factor is the overriding element that still supports the growth of the services. 即使是在这样的背景下, well over 30% of users said that they don't mind watching ads as long as the content comes free.

“根据我们的研究, we found essentially that ad-based OTT users in general have indicated a strong interest in upgrading to a paid ad-free version of the service,埃里克森继续说道. "Those that are using the service a lot are more likely to be open to paying for a paid version."

So, 换句话说, FAST services are getting consumers hooked for free and then moving them to the next level. "Well over half of viewers are willing to pay a monthly fee for ad-free access to the content they watch. 根据价格的不同,这一数字可能远远超过一半的观众. 近80%的人愿意支付1美元.99月费. 超过一半的人愿意付5美元.每月99美元,”埃里克森说.

智能电视目前在56%的美国家庭中使用.S. 宽带家庭. 智能电视的家庭普及率一直在持续上升, and you'll find it fairly hard to buy one that isn't able to connect to the internet. "A lot of these smart TV manufacturers are either rolling [out] their own free ad-supported services—LG Channels, Vizio Watch免费的 +, 三星TV plus——如果他们没有百家乐软件,他们也会合作,埃里克森说. "I would say that the popularity of smart TVs and then free ad-supported services is becoming a checkbox item that TV manufacturers have to include to stay competitive with their peers in the market."

FAST services are going to be a more common and a more substantive part of the OTT landscape because they're becoming more integrated and easily accessible to the average consumer. But in the long run, maybe it's worth subscribing for content if you want to save money.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


广告购买正在改变. 例如, now you can buy from an agency that has deep knowledge of data around local viewing, or you can go to a TV manufacturer that has deep knowledge of all of the viewing on its hardware.


对于本专栏, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, VP and general manager of data and addressable enablement at Comcast Advertising, about a question that lands firmly on the deterministic side: "What is addressable advertising?" The term "addressable" refers to targeting digital and broadcast inventory and being able to buy audience segments on a household level.


现在,广告收入正通过购买CTV从广播转向数字, maybe we need to accept that the measurement standards for digital and broadcast are always going to differ.


互联网培养了人们不断做出改变的能力, so how come national broadcast advertising is still being transacted in the upfronts (the same format that started in 1962), which require an annual dollar and audience-reach commitment in advance to buy and sell advertising?


去年11月在流媒体西部, 我主持了一个关于如何保持广告工作流程流畅的小组讨论. The discussion yielded a number of valuable insights on the state of streaming advertising, including 5 key takeaways on the biggest challenges we face with advertising in the OTT world today.

DVEO Executive Predictions: NEXTGEN TV and AVOD/FAST Continue to Grow in 2022

电视3.0和广告支持的流媒体服务将在今年引领潮流, 虽然区块链, 非功能性测试, and the Metaverse will take a more significant role in the broadcast and media industry.


广告技术很可怕. 这里有一些解决广告填充的方法, 多播分布, 监控, 上下文广告插入, 分析, 需求, 供应方面,帮助你活着出去


冥王星电视首席技术官 & EVP Vibol Hou discusses Pluto TV's evolution from an AVOD OTT service to a FAST provider in this clip from an interview with 流媒体's Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen at 流媒体 West 2021.


Tech Media consultant Chris Pfaff and Amagi's Srinavasan KA discuss the "perfect storm" of changes over the last year than have contributed to explosive growth in the AVOD and FAST segments of the OTT market in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2021.


OTT广告技术正处于十字路口, 随着品牌努力与消费者建立关系而不疏远他们. 以下是广告科技行业面临的一些最大问题, 以及一些可能的答案.


随着广告支持的观看量的增长, 该行业面临着三个关键挑战:隐私, 工作流碎片, 和规模


S&P Senior 研究 Analyst Michelle Abraham breaks down the state of the ad-supported streaming market in 2020 and 2021, where the bottom is dropping out and where the dollars are coming from in the areas that are thriving and reviving.

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